Investing in diamonds is not a speculative operation...
Investing in diamonds is not a speculative operation, but rather a way to protect your assets from depreciation: this is why it is a middle- and long-term investment. A minimum duration of 5 years is advisable. Such operations are protected against speculation for the price is set by a monopoly which once a month decides what and how much should be released on the market to a very restricted number of prestigious international buyers irrespective of the quantity mined.
Diamonds are a safe investment with a relatively stable value constantly on the rise. Their price is set to increase naturally, also because of the progressive decrease in production. They are tangible assets. In fact, diamonds are put on the market only “physically”. They are protected against any risk related to possible political and economic crisis.
Diamonds are holder assets. They are very easy to keep and carry and thanks to their Certificates. They are not subject to taxation. They are neither subject to taxation on the added value nor to legal succession taxes. They allow investors and their heirs to remain anonymous. They are typically “enjoyable” products.
Diamonds are internationally listed and their value can be verified anytime through the international list (Rapaport Diamond Report) and the specialist press. The Rapaport prices represent diamonds trading prices on the New York Stock Exchange, they are expressed in US dollars, and recognised and used worldwide. Diamonds are an ethical investment. Grunsberg Diamonds offers only “conflict free” diamonds, which means that they purchased only from lawful and authorized sources which are not involved in financing war conflicts and in full compliance with the UN resolutions.