Complaints Rules
Guarantee period
If the Buyer submits a complaint against the Seller lawfully, the period for exercise of the rights from defective performance does not run during the period when the goods is in repair and the Buyer cannot use it, i.e. from the day of submitting the complaint to the day when the Buyer is required to pick up the good. The Buyer takes note, that in the case of the exchange of an item or part of an item (in the process of dealing with a complaint), a new period for exercise of the rights from defective performance does not run. The period for exercise of the rights from a defect cannot be taken as determining the longevity of an item. The longevity is different based on the properties of the product, their upkeep and the correctness and intensity of use or based on agreement between the Buyer and the Seller.
Guarantee statement
If an original guarantee statement from the producer is not part of the goods, this document is replaced by a sales note which is always part of the supply of an item. This document is not mandatory for making a complaint.
Making a complaint
We try to help our customers in all circumstances. In the case that the Consumer discovers a defect in the purchased good during the guarantee period, he has the right to make a complaint.
Please send the good and filled out “Consumer Complaints” form (if possible along with a copy of sales note, possibly with a letter describing the defect) to our address.
Address for submitting a complaint:
Dealing with the complaint
We will deal with the complaint latest 30 days after receiving the good. In the case that we do not deal with the complaint in this period we will exchange the good for a new one or we will give you your money back, based on your preference.
We inform the customer about how we deal with the complaint by phone or through an sms message and by creating a complaints protocol.